Monday, October 20, 2014

Menulis kembali.

Salam, Aku akan kembali menulis. Kerana hanya penulisan memberi suatu keabadian.
Sekian buat kala ini, Naim Mulana

Sunday, January 29, 2012



this is the jersey we first used to ride from semenyih to sepang, cover up around 60km last Christmas.

When it comes to the right person and the right company, you can,t say no more:


cntct cyclista:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

How I Wish to pimp up my T-Bolt.

1)Proton T-Bolt is a bike from Malaysian company, taken its design from EPX Terrashark MTB Australia. The concept is similar as new mitshubishi lancer to Proton Inspira. Nowadays, proton do not sell any more bikes. I Dunno why, but I believe they dont make lots of profit from it.

2)I keep ponder on either this 1k purchase is worth it or not. several years before this new bike cost about 2.3k. but I managed to buy it 2nd hand from a johorian rider. I plan to convert this bike for off-road purposes not on-road. or maybe downhill if i dare enough to done such stunt.this bike is full-suspension not a hardtail. thus, it is a bit inefficient and energy wastage on road.

3) what makes me want to work on this bike is due to:
-it,s beautiful and unique shape, handmand carbon monoque frame and its suspension. moreover, i am planning this is to be my 2012 bike project.
- lastly, it is 'proton piece'.maybe the value will be more for 20 years. who knows? it is history piece someday for sure.

4)my ideas and cost.

-fork from rst capa to at least rock shock dart 3=rm 350, i wish have extra money for triple clip fork.
-brakes from mechanical to hydraulic=tektro draco=rm 200
-flat handlebar and stem=rm150
-terrashark swingarm=??-could not find site where can i buy this stuff...
-maxxis downhill manion tires=rm150.

total cost+rm850 at least,huh.i think better to change new bike. haha.
alright, it is been set for the next 6 month my bike will look from this.

to this.

or worse case scenario will probably be in this site;.hehe

my last post is last February 2011,it,s been a year not updating, i,m looking forward to share more later...till then.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is that Che ever see the domino effect after Cuban Revolution?

Hello and Salam... it is being a long break before i am deciding to write again. the factor might be for me to gain more intellectual materials reading over a time or analyzing next current issues which possibly relevant for upcoming entry.

this entry topic is "Is Che ever see the domino effect after Cuban Revolution?" .

"Che", ever heard his name? nope?but for sure you had seen this potraits.

"Ernesto Che Guevara" is a well known fiqure around the globe as a revolutionizer in which his ideas and inspiration guide every revolutionist-minded thinkers. teenagers of course use this symbol to portray a rebellious character.To recall, i even had owned his t-shirt emblazoned with his well printed charismatic out-look back to old school days.

Why this topic?
i,ve thought about this topic by which to correlate "che" with the dominoes effect recently occured in egypt,tunisian and somehow regaining its popularity towards algeirs.the dominoes concept supposedly not an "alien" topic to be discussed on,even it,s had proven historically during vietnam war and even with our own homeland-tanah malaya during british colonization in the back old days when communist ideology spreading around southeast Asia from mainland China with supportive big nation at that time Soviet Union.

The defination:
the dominoes effect:is a metaphorically chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then will cause another similar change, and so on in linear sequence.

Revolution in the hand of peoples
revolution like in egypt and Tunisia recently potrayed a good government and the bad ones. the government which not in a heart of public will never last long, even an iron fist rule is implemented, someday democratic rule will regain to its place in the hand of public.however, peoples should ensure that, not all revolution lead to a good government, somehow it will making things worsen. This is because most leaders upon achieving power would change and would forget the struggles and sacrifices which enabled them to be in power. Power corrupts as we all know.

A Good Revolution
after about half decade from Cuban revolutions, Cuban peoples have a socialist state government under Raul Castro(the successor of Fidel Castro).Cuba had a vibrant but extremely unequal economy in early 1950s, with large capital outflows to foreign investors. The country has made significant progress since the Revolution towards a more even distribution of income. Despite the economic embargo by the United States, the economy grew at a rate higher than the rest of Latin America until the collapse of the Soviet Union, its main trading partner. Between 1990 and 1993, Cuba's GDP declined by 33%. Yet Cuba has managed to retain levels of healthcare and education, and since 2000 the economy is rapidly recovering.

Cuba has a highly-developed service industry with one of the largest professional workforce in the world. Its number of doctors per capita is ranked #1 in the world.Cubans receive low housing and transportation costs, free education, and health care and food subsidies. Corruption is common, though far lower than in most other countries in Latin America.

What these suggest?
these apparently show a good government even under a dictotorial rule not as in egypt after 30 years of Hosni Mubarak reign as such in Tunisia.

Dr. Ernesto Che Guevara and its domino effect expectation
the dominoes effect like in east asia recently had being felt by the latinos in the early 50s. the true revolusioner behind this revolution is a fiqure, a fiqure who become a famous potrait around the world and a vivid portrait that become inspiration till these day especially the youngsters. however, what makes him a well known persona not because his succesful campaign along with Fidel,and Raul castro during the cuban revolution, but his desire to stimulate the uphealing forces around american continent at that times. an instinct of a true revolutionist. to recall his letter towards Fidel to release his Cuban citizenship,post and etc for this purpose.

Throughout motorcycles journey he had when he is 24 years old with his friend around the american continent, he witnessed the problems faces by the peoples around there-the problems of oppressor and suppressor.through these stimulating experience,he start understanding the need of revolution at that continent during those days. it is more triggered after the success of Cuban revolution.

The Conclusion:
Che was die in Bolivia in order to upheal a revolution there, but his spirit will continuously flowing not iust in american latin continent but around the corner of our world, as a a SYMBOL OF REVOLUTION!.

wheres there is tyranny, and bad government in the eyes of people,it is for sure a revolution will outbreak simultaneously,and for that also it will bring back the power to its peoples as what being mention by Che in his book "Guerilla Warfare";

"popular force can win a war against the army"

-the essence of guerilla warfare-

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Disagree-Scarecrow Adams

Scarecrow Adams


I want it I got it I lost it then I found it

If you’re there then I guess I’ll see you when we get there

So we engrave on our graves all the things we want to say

Live and die I don’t know why I’ve got my head up high


My life I feel like I should die I wonder why

I had it all before I had it all that’s why we say

I don’t want to go my life I feel like I should die I wonder why

I had it all and that’s why we say

Hey……...but I don’t want to go


So we shift and we flied for a hundred miles to get here

So why don’t you come round my way and help break this silence

I don’t why I don’t know if I had it even if tried

Live and die I don’t why I’ve got my head up high


My life I feel like I should die I wonder why

I had it all before I had it all that’s why we say

I don’t want to go my life I feel like I should die I wonder why

I had it all and that’s why we say

Hey……...but I don’t want to go

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Menyusur Irama Kehidupan

Entah,kenape post ni dibuat mengenai diri. X pernah terlintas hendak menulis pasal kehidupan, meskipun banyak boleh dicerite..benarkah?.. tajuknye simple, music dan kehidupan. Siapa di sini yang x pernh mint pada music. x kisah lah dari genre ape..nasyid hinggakan classical orchestra cam Mozart..pasti menyimpan rase bahwa sesetngh music memainkan pernn dalm kehidupn mereka.. Bagiku..Music ibarat kronologi hidup ini..kita mmg boleh dilihat perwatakn sesorg melalui music digemari..Mungkinkah?.. lalu terlintaslah hendak menyusur kehidupan lampau setelah terjumpe kaset-kaset lame dalam almari.kaset as-sahar yakni band black metal..ttibe terhinggap nostalgia lame..Hidup memng Menarik.

10 band dan artis yg mencorak hidup ini:

mase Gegile

Blink 182(Punk Rock):
Ketike ini mungkin org kata jiwa muda..haha..i need somethng enjoyable thng to do. jadi inilah band yg sesuai..lagu fast and energetic cam "the rock show","all the small thng" and bnyk lagi yg best..tambahan album "take off your pants and jackets". tapi yg lebih kool band ni, sebab trio ni memg lawak and gegile..mungkin itu mase utk gegile..seingt aq inilah band pertame bersame kwn baik din(drum)ngan yap(bass) dan pernah memainkan lagu diorg mase form 1..

mase School HEY DAY..

mungkin in saat suram kehidupan..mcm vokalisnye gak..Kurt Cobain yg menmbak diri atas sebab depressed.kesakitan dan kepedihan..anyhow..lagu dorg really mircle meskipun kotor soundnye dgn riffs yg x Kurt trully legend..seorg artis yg menerjemhkn karya melalui liriknye berdasarkan kehidupanya yg sadis..x lupe care maen gitar kidal yg pelik..smpai skrg tertnye,apsal ko terbalikkn tali..hehe..masih lg ade seluar jeans Lee aq bertampal lutut koyak bwh katil..memg nostalgic..

Led Zeppelin(classic rock):

Band ni member aq kenalkan,Joshua dan beliau juga sifu gitar aq..nak master gitar punye pasal.."Stairways to heaven" lagu famous dorg..lagu ni pun org anggap memuja setan kalo putar betul gak ade mistik lagu ni..x silap aq,ramai yg cube memainkan part solo lagu x pernah sebijik..papehal,thanks joshua kasi dgr kaset dye yg limited(ade jual kat UK jew n lameny album-cover hitam-putih kusam)..he3x sek.sains.seremban(Up and Down in life).

haha..dok sek sains kene lah belajar rerajin..x leh lh hving life cam dulu ngn kengkwn..time ni gak separate ngn membr2 sekepale..naseb baik sek. ni ade gak segeng..kool gak lah..x silap mase kat SASER ade gak band, namenye NLCK stand for Nasi LEmak Cikgu Kahar.haha..beliau adelh ckgu rumah yg chill ngn sempoi gile..bdk2 syg dye(terutme bdk nakal cm aq-gerenti selamat)..dye jual nasi lemak yg sedap dan bnyak..harge x leh runding.ngek gaks..

A.C.A.B(punk-oi and ska);

Band ni bolehlah dgn ideologi skinhead yg nth pape..cume riffnye yg punk rock ditambah dengan lirik yg simple(easy english)..boleh lyn kepale lah..lgunye pon seng nak nth bile p mainstream tau lak tukar mkne A.c.a.b dari all cops are bastards ke aku cinta aku benci..kontradiks g2..haha

butterfingers(post grunge)

ni adelah band underground melayu yg aq respek. mungkin sebb dorg ni bdk2 pndai kot..dgr2 bdk mckk..lagi2 dgn lyric downg yg cukup mantop siap ade idioms lg.melalui downg lah aq belajar idioms dan digunakn dalam essay english..wlaupn mereka skrg bekarya dalm b.m..tetapi dorg ade attitude..rockers sejati..itu yg aq cm2 lah rock sejati bkn cam faizal tahir..haha

AS-Sahar(Black Metal):

entah x tau cmne aq leh terdorong nk dgr lagu dorg..memg black..lyrik kesyaitanan g2..pening gak dgr music yg out loud cm metal camni smthng lew..cube pasng lagu cmnie,dok sorg2 kat dorm wktu malam..ade meremg gak bulu roma..mcm ade satu aura yg "dark" meresap diri beb..cewaah..lbh kurg g2lah..elok x yah dgr..siap hulur kt membr mse tu,x nk dgr beb dye..spe ek.haha..seram punye pasal.cmne leh dapt keset dorg mungkin sebb mse tu kat seremban tgh high scene black ni..lgpun album underground senang dapat di ni x tau lah cmne..

Selepas SPM;
Time ni btl2 Havoc lew,kumpl dgn kwn2 lame..kerje dan enjoy..x pikir mase depan lg tuh.haha..


mase ni indie naiklah kt aq x minat sgt Hujan ni.cume penulisan lyrik Noh ade gak membantu utk aq menulis lirics.pandai dye gune kosa kota menarik...agak2 Noh amik Sastera kot mase kat downg k lah..lagu pun bgus utk begineer mase ni pon cm makin MANTOP..

mase ni kot aq mule mendekatkn diri pada spiritual..mendekatkn diri dgn agame..walupn x lah aq rase aura nak berubh tu bkn nasyid..x sampai mse nak dgr irama padg pasir nih..mungkin suatu hari..tapi aq makin beralih kearah irama yg lebih lembut dan x keras..

eric clapton(blues):

dia pemain gitar blues yg bgus..mgkn sebab tu aq minat.lg2 lgu dye cukup "Look into my father eyes","Tears in Heaven"..sbb tu dipanggil blues kot..biasenye org cm ni jiwe dye lembut mcm lgu2 yg digubah oleh die..cukup bermakna dan lembut..ade "soul" lah senang cite..

The Beatles:(britsh-rock)

band ni mmg lagenda.tanpa dorg x de rock kat dunia ni.cmne aq leh mint band ni ek..rasenye mase english oral aq kat kolej amik task pasal dorg..Fab fOUR mmg amazing..raseny semua album pernah aq dengar..cerite disebalik lagu pun mmg banyk dan menarik. siapa sangka lagu seperti "penny lane" memg ditujukan merujuk jalan tersebut di Liverpool sne.Senang cerita downg mmg ikon Britain for sure..

BB King(Blues):

hehe..dah lame dgr pasal pak cik tua ni..dye sifu kepade eric clpton dan jimmy hendrix dalam bab gitar..baru saje mula mendengar mcm "blues boys tune"..nampknye kne dgn gaye aq sekarang..hehe

Cukuplah sampai disitu..rupa-rupanye,setelah umur 20 taun bru aq sedar..hidup aq boleh disamakan dengan Ea(activation energy) cam belajar kat kelas the end of the process,i shall look a stable way of life which means completion or near completion..means tht the more i get older,the more i will find a way to ensure i become more calm inside..kalo tgk pun dah tau transformasi dari punk-grunge-metal-blues and jazz..makin tua makin nak cari irama yg lebih menengkan..mgkn pas ni ape ek..hehe..we are not forever hati kne mude beb..

Namun, haruslah diingati hanya satu irama yg mampu memberi ketenangan dalam hidup insani yakni= Kallamullah..Indah dan Puitis tintaNya milik yg maha esa sahaja kesempurnaan itu, hanya ia mampu menemani di kala resah dan tawa..insyallah..